Asian Myrmecology: Archive - Volume 6



Asian Myrmecology, Volume 6, pages 1-31, published June 2014
DOI: 10.20362/am.006001

A review of the subgenus Polyrhachis (Polyrhachis) Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) with keys and description of a new species


The nominal subgenus Polyrhachis of the genus Polyrhachis Fr. Smith is reviewed. Eleven species of the subgenus are recognised, including ten previously described (Polyrhachis bellicosa Fr. Smith, P. bihamata (Drury), P. craddocki Bingham, P. erosispina Emery, P. olybria Forel, P. lamelidens Fr. Smith, P. mindanaensis Emery, P. montana Hung, P. taylori Kohout and P. ypsilon Emery) and one, P. maliau, described as new. The worker and the queen of P. bellicosa and the worker of P. erosispina are redescribed and a case of apparent character displacement between these species is noted. The worker of P. olybria and queens of P. mindanaensis and P. ypsilon are described. A key to the species of the subgenus is provided and all species, including the known queens, are illustrated.

Formicidae, Polyrhachis (Polyrhachis), taxonomy, new species

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